
About Me
My name is Crystal, I'm 29 years old. I live in shitty So Cal...for now...Oklahoma soon...

I Love
TEXT MESSAGES!!! Sammiches, storms, the beach, starry nights, Mew, Sigur Ros, Trembling Blue Stars, Mad Men (Esp. Christina Hendricks)

I Hate
Work, people, bitches, being woken up before 2pm, talking on the phone, did I mention work?

This really blows.
Written @ 9:04 a.m. on 2007-04-20

So it isn't the SARS but it is strep throat. It's #1 on my list cause I get that shit alllll the damn time. I thought I could make it until summer without getting it but I was wrong. Damn. I feel might shitty, and I was supposed to go job hunt today but it's raining so I can't, because my car isn't registered or insured and I don't want to get pulled over.

Me + Strep + Rain = Crystal at urgent care, and I'm too broke for that shit.

So aside from being depressed, broke, stuck in the house, and feeling like shit nothing else is new. I have only been awake for 2 hours and it is only 9 AM, though. So maybe my day will improve.

I'm being optimistic, YAY!

this |time| imperfect